Monday, December 2, 2013


Is this really hard to recover? I did ask myself everyday. My answer is always NO. But the ridiculous fact is why am i still always emo? I have no answer for myself about this. Recently, I found out the reason. The reason is really SIMPLE. I just afraid of one thing which is LONELY. Or another word? ALONE.

Every friends tell me that, no boyfriend nevermind, you still got tons of friends, what to worry? In fact, that is true, I have a lot of friends, but how much of them care about my life? Some of my friends are overseas, some of them busying with their academic, and most of them around me having partner which i knew i cannot disturb them. 远水不能救近火 近水没空灭火 
At last I dont even have a friend to talk when i need a pair of ears. I do not have a warm shoulder to tear. I didnt blame anyone because I know that this is my own life that i need to pass through myself. Everyone have their own life, I have no right to disturb other people life to comfort my own feeling, i knew that.

The only issue that i blamed is DONT EVEN TELL ME YOU WANNA HELP ME TO PASS THROUGH IF YOU DIDNT MEAN THAT! Dont just simply say, I dont need any promises. I just believe in action. This is what made me heart broken. I do not need your comfort if you doesn't mean that.

Is time to let go, even I am not willing to do that. Letting go is the only way to release myself.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The third 25th of November

I think I should write something on this 25th, so i am here to write something. *my god, what am i talking?* 

Just ignore that, yea.. IF we did not broke up, today is our 3rd years anniversary. I really remember that. I will never blame anyone on failure of this relationship. What will I say is, this is all fate. GOD had arranged all these for us.

Somehow i felt quite lucky because if we did not end that relationship, I have no chance to fall to HIM also. I did not want to compare anyone of them, but I know that he is the one who I wanted badly. Although he is not mine anymore but as what I said, GOD had arranged. I do believe in fate.

Never want to think about it anymore, if not I gonna emo for whole night again. So, happy-go-lucky! :D

Monday, November 4, 2013


还活着 胡思乱想的活着
默默告诉自己 自己定的期限很快就到了
就让我任性这一回吧 最起码我是认真的任性

两个月了 我还是活得好好的啊
还有10个月 如果那时候没有答案
我曾说过 我说的一定会做到
但我不奢望 你能为我做到了

加油吧 为我自己的目标

有时候 真的寂寞的可以 没人可以跟我说话 没人陪我去看电影 我真的要一个人自己去吗?我会试试看 :)

Friday, October 18, 2013


我時常那樣問自己 不過往往是沒有答案的 
之前的lwj 我不否認 跟他在一起 是快樂的 只因為他那愛玩的性格 
那樣沒什麼驚喜 驚嚇而細水長流的愛情 真的是美好的
知道那兩個人的出現 一切都幻滅了 
也因為我給的壓力 讓他更加投入在那兩個人身上了 
他總是有很多很多的藉口 很多很多的理由
其實 兩年半不是過假的 我其實知道 他只是不想要被束縛 嚮往自由 
而那個他認為成熟的那個大姐姐 給到他 所以他喜歡她了
兩年半的細水長流 乾枯了 結束了

在我最難過 最艱難 最無助的時候 
有個他 出現了 
他說 他可以當我暫時的男朋友 
讓我度過一切 還唱暫時的男朋友給我聽呢 :p
直到某個晚上 突如其來的表白 
嚇了我一大跳 沒想過他會有真的喜歡我的一天 
由於傷得太深 我不敢接受 
看到他那失望的眼神 我也莫名的傷心了 
他問了第二次 第三次 可愛的他 讓我也拒絕不下去了 
我的第二段戀情 就這樣開始了 

由於 之前的我脾氣太壞 也太過依賴 
我知道 我不能那樣了 
所以 不曾發脾氣 但他說我沒主見 
其實我不是沒有 只是讓他做主我會安心 
不依賴 他說我根本不需要他 

這個男生 超級敏感的男生 
我愛得那麼深 也許 我覺得 這是對的人了

但這個想太多的男人 也許沒我想像中那麼愛我 
所以短暫的戀情 也這樣結束了 
我問了他很多話 他也回答了很多話 

我其實現在想了想 問了那麼多 除了知道了事實 你還想expect些什麼?

手上還有彼此的戒指 腦袋還有彼此的承諾 但除此之外 真的什麼都沒有了 不是嗎?

這次的我 沒有另一個他把我拉起來了 
很難 很痛苦 但還在努力中 

這次的我 拒絕了所有朋友的安慰跟幫助 只因為我覺得 我要獨立了 要獨自生活了 

然而 我發現我錯了
我的朋友們都在我的背後討論該怎麼幫我走出來 默默地心疼著我 
原來 我不是一個人 只是 要獨自生活罷了 

我不懂我的復原期還要多長 但我真的會努力的 
最起碼到現在 我覺得我很強了
加油啊 自己 

還有你 雖然我之前是真的很想slap你的 但我明白他 所以我懂錯不在你 你也活得很辛苦 衷心的 希望你快點走出來 加油啊 :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Start over again



Sunday, September 22, 2013


很痛 很怕 很累 




想睡著 永遠不起來

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


媽的 原來我會怕
因為當她吸引他 我怕他就會去追她了 


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

喜欢 爱




喜欢一个人,当你们好久不见,你会突然想起她。 爱一个人,当你们好久不见,你会天天想着她。
喜欢一个人,当你想起她,你会微微一笑。 爱一个人,当你想起她,你会对着天空发呆。
喜欢,是一种心情 爱,是一种感情
喜欢,是一种直觉 爱,是一种感觉
喜欢,可以停止 爱,没有休止
喜欢一个人,特别自然 爱一个人,特别坦然
喜欢一个人,有时候盼和他在一起 爱一个人,有时候怕和他在一起
喜欢一个人,不停的和他争执 爱一个人,不停的为他付出
喜欢一个人,希望他可以随时找到自己 爱一个人,希望可以随时找到他
喜欢一个人,总是为他而笑 爱一个人,总是为他而哭
喜欢,是执着 爱,是值得
喜欢就是喜欢,很简单 爱就是爱,很复杂
喜欢你,却不一定爱你 爱你,就一定很喜欢你
但,想要迈这一步 就看你 是喜欢迈这一步 还是爱迈这一步




喜欢,是一种心情 爱,是一种感情
喜欢,是一种直觉 爱,是一种感觉
喜欢,可以停止 爱,没有休止
喜欢一个人,特别自然 爱一个人,特别坦然
喜欢一个人,有时候盼和他在一起 爱一个人,有时候怕和他在一起 
喜欢一个人,希望他可以随时找到自己 爱一个人,希望可以随时找到他
喜欢一个人,总是为他而笑 爱一个人,总是为他而哭
喜欢,是执着 爱,是值得
喜欢就是喜欢,很简单 爱就是爱,很复杂
喜欢你,却不一定爱你 爱你,就一定很喜欢你
是喜欢迈这一步 还是爱迈这一步
如果,你没有勇气面对并承担那份爱 就不要轻易的去选择

REPOST from website

Sunday, September 15, 2013


This is semester break, this is holiday, the only day no need to work since semester break. I found that today is lifeless cuz I have nothing to do and don't know what to do. 

I feel that myself useless. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013


How long I didn't write any post? More than one month. I spent all my times for my classmate and I accidentally ignored him. He said that this is the shadow of my ex. :(
He told me that actually I don't need boyfie. :( I felt sad but I don't know how to make it balance. 
How?! This might be the biggest challenge of me. I will not give up. I hope you don't too. ❤

Saturday, June 15, 2013


I'm working now actually but it's really too bored so.. I feel like write something.

2013, not a good year to me. Or I should say, that's a challege year for me. Now only June but there are alot of bad things happened. Friendship, relationship, family and more. 

I was viewing all the photos in my phone and I found that, actually I missed alot of happy moment. What do I mean that? Hmm, I used to keep remember all negative thing instead of sweet memories. 

I'm a ordinary Pisces girl, I'm the one who always think too much! Yea, that's why I'm always emo but I just can't control myself. My brain will function themselves which I cannot do anything on it. 

I'm trying to get myself a best way but I found out that sometime we really can't control anything. So now, just don't think too much, I believe God has arranged for me. 

End of this post, what should I say is, I changed. :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Second week of May

Had be a workaholic in whole April and beginning May. It's freaking exhausted and sometime I will think of rest awhile but realistic don't allow me to do that. :(

New semester begin, this sem will definitely be a tough sem for me. Just do my best! 

Bee Yin came back from Singapore to held her birthday party. I'm working on that day but I will still attend no matter how. Rush back home from work and bath then go out again. It's tiring but worth for me. Happy to meet all girls and maybe I didn't talk much on that day because of tired. But I did enjoy so much! I wish we could have this kind of gathering always!!  
With the birthday girl
With the bestie ❤
Happy Birthday Bee Yin!!!!

Mother's Day on Sunday and actually I didn't plan for celebrate it and my mum normally is celebrate with my aunt and grandma. This year my mum didn't want to follow my aunt and grandma to celebrate. So I just bring them to Korean Stone BBQ to have a simple dinner. 
My house culture is asking parents what they need and we go to buy. My mum did requested a pearl necklace when CNY so I bought it to her on Mother's Day. She's quite happy when receiving my gift. :p 
My mum know I love her so much!

Happy MOTHER's Day!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

This is May.

A brand new month can mean it's a new start for me? This month will be my amazing month or my dump shit month? I'm looking forward with it.

I had passed through tons of challenges before this. So no matter what's coming, I believe I can handle it well and hope so I can really do it. 

Since this is May. I feel like talking about my friends. :D

These are my BFF which we might never meet never talk for long period but they are still beside me. I always feel grateful that I have a lot of good friends although they are not always beside me. This 1st of May is the guy birthday. This guy used to have a big mouth to talk a lot. He is the one who always pull me back when I'm down. Don't know why, we had a bad bad relationship when we are in primary school. He used to bully me and made me cry at least twice a week. What make us to be best friend now? I believe in fate. This is our fate. Our friendship will last forever right?  

I am not a girl that use to talk a lot of sweet words or talk something to warm others. In opposite side, my mouth full with poison. This is where people cannot accept me. 

Sometime I have a lot a lot of shit feel like telling friends, but writing is always better than talking. I cannot express myself well using my mouth.

Friend is, no matter what you done, correct or wrong, they will stand beside you. Although sometime will get scold but at the end you will get the truth, the cruel reality by them. 


The next will be my sisterhood? Maybe. Hahahhaha! Good night!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


最近發生了不少大事 應該說 我的人生不曾平靜 太多太多事情發生 根本措手不及 現在 我正在學會 獨自面對 平靜面對 不要再敲鑼打鼓要別人幫忙了 加油

最近 給了自己很多課去學 其中一課是 不要衝動!要冷靜!
經常被自己的衝動打敗 時常被罵衝動 所以現在我在學平靜
由於還在學習階段 所以 偶爾我還是會發作 但我都有做事後檢討 確保不會再發生在同樣的狀況

第二課 先把自己事管好 不要管太多別人 我會經常把別人事當自己是解決 浪費精力 浪費口水 還經常不被領情
傷重了 這幾課 很重 很痛 知道錯了

第三課 看開 放開
同樣的 還在學習 我要時間 雖然我不懂那時間是多長 多久 但 我真的有在進步

我知道 我身旁有很多你們 我也很appreciate 很謝謝你們對這樣的一個我那麼的包容
但 有的時候 我真的做得不好 令你們都失望了 對不起
我很開心你們在 我都知道 謝謝❤❤❤

Sunday, April 7, 2013



Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Thailand part 2

This photo is so nice! 
Omg! That's how many months after my Thailand trip? But nevermind, I will still update as clear as I remember.

Day 3

Mango rice in floating Market
Because of the previous day we meet a hokkian speaking taxi driver, he gonna fetch us to floating market. We wake up at 6am with panda eyes. Due to the previous day we sleep quite late because of pack our luggage, we sleep all away long to floating market. There are about 1 hour plus to reach there. I think we're the first batch of ppl to pier. We start our journey with the old style boat. The river is so small and just enough to fill up the boat. There is about 2 hours journey and finally we get to eat mango rice and meehon by local. It's yummy and with reasonable price. It's a unforgettable experience and I think I will go again with longer time. 2 hours is actually definitely not enough.

I did not take the photo of train. You imagine yourself la. :P
The food that selling in the train. It's cheap and nice!
Same to this also! It's like our kuih.
Back to our hostel on 12 something and prepare to go to railway station to go hat yai. Everyone asking me, will you regret to waste the 15 hours time to go hatyai by train? I will definitely say no. That's a funniest experience in my Bangkok trip. The seat in the train can move and become a bed! Toilet bowl with a hole that can see the track omg! Means when you pee or ehem, they will flow to the track. :x okay stop disgusting.

Day 4

After 15 hours journey. We reach hat yai. It's like a china town. Cuz almost everyone here can speak Chinese and hokkian. The price of duk duk is fixed ere and much more cheaper compare with Bangkok. Since we're over budget already. We need to save here and there. We stay at Tunes Hotel Hat Yai. The room rate here is so reasonable! Only 40rm per room per night. So that we can have more budget to do other stuff.

We quickly settle down to our room ad take bath one by one. Imagine there are more than 24 hours no bath. We're all smelly! :( after settle down, we went to morning market of hatyai to see and walk.

Next destination is the night market. I forget the name of the night market already but it's quite big actually. Grab something there also. Since that's already last day of us, we went to eat seafood! Hatyai food is much more cheaper than Bangkok and its yummy also! We went to
Thai massage also. After that, we back to the hotel with exhausted body. Everyone is lazy to move but need to pack the luggage. :(
When to night market in HatYai.

Our seafood night! The food is nice! :D
The stuffs that i bought in 5 days. I'm not satisfy at all. :(
Day 5
Bento from 7-11 Thailand. MUST TRY!
Wake up at the early morning to go morning market again to grab our souvenir like maggi and nuts. After that we went to 7-11 to grab our breakfast. The thing that I must say is, their 7-11 food is soooooo yummy! They got soup bento, fried rice, spaghetti, even burger also got! So, 7-11 food is one of the must-try in Bangkok! After our breakfast, is time to say goodbye. :( take van to airport and we ended our travel like that. This is my experience and I like to travel with friends! This is so fun! Looking forward our next time! :D

HatYai airport. Our luggage. :o
Before fly back to Malaysia!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thailand 5 days 4 nights Part 1

This is the very first time I FLY with friends and love.  how excited am I ? :D

This is also the first time we book flight by ourselves, book hostel, plan schedule and bla bla bla. Due to ZERO experience, I did ask many people and done a lot of research. Thanks for my friends that all so believe me and we start to experience our shopping + backpacker trip. 

When we reach Don Muang Airport, I feel like WTF? No one can understand my English here, mean should I take bus? Taxi? or Train to my destination? I admit that I done the wrongest decision which is taking TRAIN to Bangkok town and it spend us about 2 hours! OMG! We took the train that we can never meet in Malaysia anymore. It is so old! For me, it is actually a nice experience. :)
At the same train station, we bought the train tickets to Hat Yai. According to the train schedule, we need to use about 15 hours to reach Hat Yai from Bangkok. Don't ask me why we decided to take train from Bangkok to Hat Yai because flight only need 1 hour. This is because we are trying to experience more that normal traveler will not meet.

The hostel that we stay in Bangkok named Udee. It has a quite high rate and review in 'trip advisor' and 'hostelworld' so we decided to stay there. The environment here is soooo GOOD! You will feel relax when you step into this hostel.

We reached our hostel at 7pm but actually we reach Don Muang Airport at about 2.30pm. The worst is when we check-in, hostel host told me that actually take taxi only need less than half hour. =.= I feel like crying! Everyone are exhausted, we drop down our luggage and go out to have our dinner. WE ARE HUNGRY! We just simply walk walk beside the street that near our hostel to hunt some food. It's so impossible to go far far away for dinner when we are in hunger. 

FOOD from beside street hawker
Our first day end like this? NO WAY! We went to supermarket and 7-11 to get some beer and softdrink and spend our night at hostel rooftop. :))

DAY 2 ~~

Wake up early and prepare to go SHOPPING! We take skytrain to Siam Station and wtf? Already 10am in Thailand why no shop open? We are sooooo lucky to meet a tour-guide there and tell us 15th Jan is one of their buddha festival and shop will only open at 1pm. He also recommended us to go visit the famous temple in Bangkok with the worth price. Really feel grateful that meet this tour-guide to guide us without charging us any fees.

The tour guide told us the normal entrance fees is 600bht. Only today special 50bht.

Take tuk-tuk with the cheapest price to the boat station and start our 2 hours journey. The temple is really high and huge. The art of the building is so amazing! I have never regret to been there.

Thailand sign
They show this car in Siam Paragon
After the 2 hours, we go back to Siam Paragon and finally the shops open. There are luxurious than Pavillion I guess and not suit us to shop. So we just have our lunch there and go to Platinum Fashion Mall.
We went to try MCD Pork Prosperity! and also few of the sets meal that not available in Malaysia. 
Go to Platinum Fashion Mall by tuk-tuk and we start our shopping! I can't get nice stuff due to my huge size and weird taste hmm.. But my friend is trying to move the mall back to Malaysia! 

After the shopping session, we going to Asiatique that friend and hostel host recommended. We met a taxi driver who can speak hokkian with us. *Finally found someone can understand what we talking about* He fetch us go to Asiatique and recommend us to floating market before we heading to Hatyai. Since everyone agree with his plan, so we deal with him and he will fetch us to floating market on Day 3.

Asiatique, it is really beautiful place. The main point is, price of the stuffs there is quite reasonable! We bought most of the souvenir there and also grab alot of NARAYA there! NARAYA is a MUST when you come to Thailand, it price is reasonable!
We walk until all the shop close only back, the taxi fare killed us due to midnight rate. :(((

Thai food as dinner

Thai Milk Tea, Taste weird  :/

Tadaa! this is the part 1 and i will post the following part soon! :D

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Hello everyone! I'm here again! Really like the blogger apps, it's so convenient!

Today is a special day for the piggie of mine. Opps :/ hahahaha Happy 21th Birthday to him! And actually I felt abit guilty cause I can't celebrate his birthday with him. This is so unfortunate, I got paper this day. :((

I think I got some stimuli after the marketing paper hahahahhaa call Lina in sudden ask her company me go chop my hair. I also don't know why so suddenly I feel like chopping my hair but since I got that mind so just do it! NOBODY BELIEVE I CHOPPED MY HAIR UNTIL THEY SEE MY REAL FACE! == yea also la I know I got a signature long long hair and everyone know I love my long hair. Hmm I remember I did said before I won't chop my long hair but at last.... Hahahah!! I'm quite satisfy with my hair now but it look like Aunty hair if I wearing my spec. :(( that's so sad! Mean I need to wear contact lens all the time?! No wayyy man!! Just let me Aunty bahhh.

That's all for today! Tata :)))

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I had neglected my blog for about 2 months. Why I writing it again? Hmm no why, just for fun :p

Btw, it's brand new year now. WELCOME 2013! New year, new life. Everything will change better!

In my previous post, actually I'm keep talking about my diploma had officially graduate. I think I will post up some of my photo here! Tehee! :pp

Flashback my 2012, actually I had achieve most of my wish list which is I managed to get my new a brand new phone, and I able to use my own saving to go travel out of Malaysia. For others, maybe just a little small case, but I had used many times to achieve this. I'm still so proud with that

Another way, the sad case of the year is my dad fall sick. He got stroke on this passed October. Luckily he is almost recover now already! Give a clap to my lovely daddy!! ❤❤ wish that he can healthy all the time!

I think I should stop here cuz I'm actually now studying in library :pp I'm trying the blogger apps.

Update next time! :)