Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The third 25th of November

I think I should write something on this 25th, so i am here to write something. *my god, what am i talking?* 

Just ignore that, yea.. IF we did not broke up, today is our 3rd years anniversary. I really remember that. I will never blame anyone on failure of this relationship. What will I say is, this is all fate. GOD had arranged all these for us.

Somehow i felt quite lucky because if we did not end that relationship, I have no chance to fall to HIM also. I did not want to compare anyone of them, but I know that he is the one who I wanted badly. Although he is not mine anymore but as what I said, GOD had arranged. I do believe in fate.

Never want to think about it anymore, if not I gonna emo for whole night again. So, happy-go-lucky! :D

Monday, November 4, 2013


还活着 胡思乱想的活着
默默告诉自己 自己定的期限很快就到了
就让我任性这一回吧 最起码我是认真的任性

两个月了 我还是活得好好的啊
还有10个月 如果那时候没有答案
我曾说过 我说的一定会做到
但我不奢望 你能为我做到了

加油吧 为我自己的目标

有时候 真的寂寞的可以 没人可以跟我说话 没人陪我去看电影 我真的要一个人自己去吗?我会试试看 :)