Jus now i read someone blog..
i damn angry..
i not sure who r u talking..
but i guess lahhh...
u do many mistake u know..??
do u a true friend..???
01. To Lina : if i day my result better than u
(i say if,cz i know imposible),i laugh u..will u angry..???
I know sure u will not...cause we are best friends...we trust each other...u also always laugh mii mahh...do u...????haha..cause i know u are jus joking to mii..so i won be so so care..izzit..???02. Do u Know 人比人,逼死人 ?
At last..don try to bully him..he is the one i love...
who bully him..i will giv bac double..
u know what i mean bully..??is make he sad or cry..
do u know when he read yr post he is sad & disappointed..??